i plurked yesterday about the surge that we are getting from ike. i'm a little surprised because it's a slightly bigger surge than we saw from gustav and gustav was much, much closer to us than ike. i didn't expect to get very much from him. anyhow, these are some pix that do not at all portray how impressive it truly is.
the waves may not look all that big in this pic but remember that it is taken from 22 floors up

that's our dunes and walkway, i couldn't catch the bigger surges that were coming up into the dunes and well under the walkway

this is between our property and the one next door, you can see in the sand how much higher it was getting

and just for reference, this is what our backyard usually looks like (i didn't have any looking straight down at the walkway and dunes but this shows the area from the above pic)

Holy moly! And to think, a week ago we thought we'd be getting Ike here in Miami.
I think I have a straight down at your walkway picture at home. Remind me to look.
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