Monday, September 8, 2008

snork' instead of 'yak

the weekend was sort of a bust because of my non-cooperative head. i had planned on doing some nice paddling on the kayaks but it just wasn't meant to be. for the most part, we just rested and hot-tubbed. yesterday afternoon, we did manage to get the snorkel equipment out and enjoyed some underwater voyeurism. we found several pretty shells and i even nearly caught a few fish. one shell, which i just HAD TO HAVE, was occupied. hubby and i spent about an hour trying to find another shell with the right shape and size for tenant relocation. (no, the tenant was not happy to be carried around that whole time and kept pinching my fingers in protest.) hubby finally found another shell just like the one i covetted but with less pretty coloring. i held the two shells together and it only took a minute or two for the tenant to relocate. everyone was happy (well, one of us might have been a bit angry and kept waving claws at the two crazy giants that had held him hostage). we released him and then continued to follow him as he made his underwater getaway. i'm certain he was happy after we left. i wish we had a reef here. that would make this the absolutely perfect home. in the meantime, all of this practice snorkeling is getting me very excited about the snorkeling we'll be doing on our cruise in fourteen days. assuming, of course, that the cruise doesn't get cancelled due to a parade of hurricanes!


Anonymous said...

poor crab

arcanai said...

hey, i put quite a bit of time and care into choosing a suitable replacement home for him. it was a bit bigger too so i upgraded him.