today was embarkation day on the carnival holiday. we left home around 09:30 and headed to mobile, al. we made one stop along the way to find a dress for me and some dress socks for hubby who had forgotten to pack any. we had no problem finding the cruise terminal in mobile and embarkation was much quicker at such a small port than it was at port canaveral. we were on the ship by 13:00, stopped at the excursion desk to book our excursions, and waited around a little bit to be let into the stateroom areas so that we could take our luggage to our room. by 14:00 we had dropped off our luggage and headed up to the lido deck for some much needed lunch. after eating, we walked around the ship for a while to familiarize ourselves with our surroundings. before long, it was time for the muster station drill and then we stayed on deck to watch our departure.

once we were out of the bay, we headed back to the room to drop off our life vests and ended up taking a nap. we woke up shortly before our scheduled dinner time. while waiting to be let into the dining room, we spoke with a nice russian girl from siberia named anastasia. we had dinner with a couple from tx, melody and mark, and a couple from mobile, felicia and larry (honeymooners). we enjoyed talking with the people at our table but it was hard to hear them over the extremely loud, obnoxious, drunk chick the next table over. i think we'll probably try to change tables for the rest of this cruise because we ran into her four more times tonight after dinner and i just can't take any more of her mouth. the show tonight was a comedian by the name of john wesley austin who is a very funny man.

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