Friday, September 5, 2008

exercise and recuperation

i was disappointed that i didn't get to the gym wednesday since this was my first week of trying to get back into a routine but my head was so not into it thanks to all the concrete drilling (yes, today is day 4). yesterday was my cardio day so instead of going to the gym and getting nowhere on the treadmill, hubby and i walked about 4.4 miles on the beach last night. it was a wonderful walk and the sand was great for stretching out my calf muscles that have been so tight since tuesday's stair-stepping session. between stretching them out on the walk, sitting in the hot tub when we got back, and making myself smell like a little old lady by slathering mineral ice on them before bed, my calves are feeling much looser today. yay for that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay for that