Wednesday, September 10, 2008

miserable night

it's funny because i was so exhausted all evening from my stair climbing yesterday but if i slept an hour the whole night, i'd be shocked. i finally fell asleep well after 04:00. i was wide awake again at 05:00. i dozed a couple of times before the alarm started hounding me at 06:30. i LOVE nights like that. i was so tired but i was just... restless. and to top it off, there was a noise. see, hubby has been doing some a/c work around here. he's been adding vents into our bedroom to get me more of the cold at night, which is wonderful! unfortunately, the stronger air is apparently affecting the fan so when the air starts blowing, the fan makes this horrible clicking noise sporadically until the air stops. granted, the sound is not incredibly loud. i've actually noticed it for days but hadn't paid enough attention to it to figure out exactly when/how it's happening. but i'm one of those people that when i can't sleep, ANY noise is enough to drive me batty. this is how hubby gets in trouble for snoring. it's not that he really snores loudly, really just heavy breathing, but when i can't sleep it rubs my nerves and furthers my non-sleeping. i strongly considered putting in ear plugs last night (since they are right there next to the bed from all that concrete drilling last week) but i'm the keeper of the alarm clock. hubby doesn't even hear it in the morning. by this morning, the clicking of the fan had me wanting to drill a hole through my brain with a rusty spoon. here's hoping that ya'll had a more restful night than me.


Anonymous said...

I don't have time to comment sufficiently

Anonymous said...

Do I get credit for fixing the clicking noise?

arcanai said...

my hubby commented!!!