after finally getting to sleep in this morning (really, all this getting up at 06:00 is just not my idea of vacation) we met up with the cousins for some ice skating fun at ober gatlinburg. hubby, nephew, and i were actually the only ones to get out on the ice but we had a great time. i think we're going to relax a bit this afternoon and then maybe get the group together again when it cools off this evening to play some putt-putt or something. i'd like to get back in the very nice hot tub again but it's much warmer today than it was yesterday so i'm not sure that will be wise. we'll see. oh, i almost forgot about the amazing storm that came through last night. I couldn't tell you what time it was since there is not a clock in our room but it was bigger rain, thunder, and lightening than i've heard in a long time. it woke us up but that was okay because it was so pleasant to listen to. it really was truly impressive.

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