Thursday, July 31, 2008
more melancholy
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
feeling underappreciated again
Monday, July 28, 2008
wash, rinse, repeat
my sissy is gone

sunday was a more adventurous day that started out with sissy and the chilluns flying around.

the boys thoroughly enjoyed taking a dip or three.
the girls were happy hanging out together.
it was then time for maiden voyage - the sequel. our new kayaks with their matching life vests were anxious to prove they were better than the other 'yaks.
the whole family got in on the action after hubby and i had our fun. bro-n-law was a fierce paddler.
he even tried to t-bone his son.
nephew2 enjoyed surfing.
sissy braved the deeper waters a bit.
surf's up!

Friday, July 25, 2008
new kayaks - the sequel!

don't tell my sissy
Thursday, July 24, 2008
cancer update
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
vacancies are filling up quick
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
it's taken long enough
too dumb
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
easy sunday
request for technical assistance
Saturday, July 19, 2008
picked up
maiden voyage

images from fourth of july weekend
driving through centre, al there was a stretch of about three miles or so that was lined with flags and crosses with soldiers names and their war. it was beautiful.
our cabin was designed just for me
there were so many gorgeous ducks
unfortunately, there were also a few that i didn't like at all
i wonder why they call them the smokies?
hungry bird babies
old mill in cades cove
are you looking at me?
chicks dig it when i flex

just so that you know, i felt tremendously guilty seeing these miserable bears but the family wanted to do it, so i was obligated to participate. they were so sad looking.
just look at that tear - heartbreaking
just for my cousin
Friday, July 18, 2008
companionship on a sleepless morning
i woke up just before 0400 because i had to pee. after that, i could not get back to sleep. i woke hubby up for a few minutes but he was able to go right back to sleepi (i hate that about him). i got up and went out to the balcony to watch the moon over the water for a bit. i rummaged in the dark through our closet to find batteries for my camera (both sets of batteries are dead; anyone know where my charger is???) and tried to take pictures of the moon but, as much as i heart my camera, it sucks in low light. it was beautiful though. it was a full, orange moon. it was behind a light cloud so the cloud was glowing orange with just the tip of the moon peeking out over top and then there was a trail of the orange moonlight all the way across the water into the shore. it was wonderous. shame about the lack of good photo. this doesn't do it justice at all. and it was after the clouds moved away.
about 0500 i laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. no such luck. at 0530 i decided to get up and go jogging on the beach. while i am not a morning person or jogger at all, it was very nice and peaceful out. there are no waves so the water just lapped at the shore and my feet a little. it was cool and quiet and relaxing (in a i-am-so-not-a-jogger/morning-person kind of way). my goal was to go to a building that would have made it about three miles round trip. i'd say i was about a quarter-mile from that buildng when i got an unexpected jogging companion. i kid you not, five feet away from me a shark was swimming the shoreline. it was only a baby, three feet from nose to tail, but it was soooo cool! i was very excited and ticked off that i didn't have my camera. it stayed five to eight feet away for probably thirty yards before it finally decided to swim back out to sea. i could have reached out and touched it, it was so close. i'm no shark expert, but i'm pretty sure it was a black tip based on body style. clearly, i need a super tiny, high-tech, spy camera. something tiny that i could carry on me at all times no matter what i'm doing but takes great pix. yes, i did vent to the shark about him having the audacity to show up when i was completely cameraless. maybe he'll come back around while we're kayaking this weekend so that i can get his closeup. we've also had a six foot or so eagle ray passing by the last couple of days. i had no batteries in my camera yesterday. i did get a couple pictures today but he was much farther out and you can't hardly make it out as an eagle ray.Thursday, July 17, 2008
boys just don't get it
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
HAPPY (one day late) BIRTHDAY, NEPHEW1!!!
have you seen my glue sticks?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
you'll be a dentist! you have a talent for causing things pain...
Monday, July 14, 2008
nothing to say
Thursday, July 10, 2008
update on cam (son of coworker hs)
update on bl
mentally, physically, emotionally... spent
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
heading home
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
no commutes for me, thanks
Monday, July 7, 2008
i think we're alone now
Sunday, July 6, 2008
here ducky, ducky

Saturday, July 5, 2008
more prayers needed
we also got an update on hs's son yesterday. the surgery went well on wednesday. he is breathing on his own again and he can flex his arm up towards his body but he cannot straighten it back out yet. apparently, the same nerves that control that extension action also control many
leg movements. he also cannot move his fingers yet. hs is dealing but said that his son isn't talking much and it doesn't seem like it's really hit him yet. they will be flying him back to atlanta monday to a spinal rehabilitation facility. with any hope, he will be able to regain many movements.
Friday, July 4, 2008
ready for home
overheating while sitting in traffic in town. it's definitely pretty here (in the mountains) but the general area is far too crowded and touristy for my likes. last time we were here was new year of the millienia. it's even worse now than it was then. i'm much more of a spend the holidays close to home kind of girl, myself.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
silence is golden
been working feverishly all morning to conslidate all of our junk into
one storage building. a task we've been meaning to complete for months
now. he did it too. i tell ya, if there was an olympic event for
packing a lot of stuff into small spaces, my terrifically talented
hubby would win the good hands down! i've been lazily laying around.
i didn't sleep very well because i was so angry at hubby for trying to
get himself killed by a whale in my dream last night. hey, i never
said i was without issues.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
five day weekend
teenage girls. woohoooo! tomorrow we'll spend a little time visiting
gma h and rearranging our storage building. friday, we'll be heading
to tn for a big family weekend (didn't we just do that?). did i
mention that we're teenager-free.
claiming my prize

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
luck? what's that???
wii wanna rock and roll all night

it's been a great way to pass the time.