he has a habit of ruining surprises. i've all but given up on giving him gifts because anytime i get a gift idea for him, he goes out and gets it for himself before i have a chance to give the gift. it's frustrating. and i'm not a good gift idea-er so it's hard enough to come up with something that i think he'll actually like. i've always done whatever i could to make a big deal about his birthday but this year he's seemed really down about it (and we've been crazy busy) so i didn't really do anything. so this morning he had a board meeting for the condo association and it was the perfect opportunity for me to slip out real quick and get a birthday cake (which he'll probably gripe about anyhow because it's not good for you) and card. i made it to the store and back before him. i walked in the door and shouted out to him to make sure he wasn't already home and got no response. i opened the fridge to hide the cake and he walks in the door. jerk. i yelled at him and told him i wasn't talking to him anymore. so much for surprises.

(the earbuds are in because he got a family singing call at the same time i was singing to him)
my husband does the same damn thing (ruins surprises) and I hate it. Ugh!
You are a nice for getting him a cake. Did he end up wearing the cake. He looks darn good for 42 sister!
it is certainly frustrating trying to come up with something every year for someone who has a knack of spoiling it but i keep trying. every so often it works. on his 40th, i brought him to tears when i surprised him (yep, i managed to get one past him) with a photo book of his life. i'll probably never top that. and yes, he is much more youthful than his age. i love my husband!
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