Monday, June 30, 2008
prayers needed
update: 15:55 - hubby just spoke with hs. his son was just playing in the ocean, jumping waves, when one of them flipped him over and he landed on the ocean floor on his neck. he was instantly paralyzed (which i assume means that he was fortunate enough to have someone really close by that was able to pull him out of the water before drowning). he shattered three cervical vertebrae, including the c1 (at the very top) and c6 (which is around the region of the spinal cord that controls breathing). they are going to do surgery on wednesday to try to repair the c6 vertebra so that he can breathe on his own again. they won't know until after that surgery how extensive the paralysis might be but they are telling hs that there is a very slim chance he will ever walk again. my heart is just full of pain on behalf of the whole family.
monday blues
Friday, June 27, 2008
today's gymming
two year anniversary
trying to fit in with them young whippersnappers
yesterday's gym update
Thursday, June 26, 2008
weekend plans
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
and for today's lunch...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
must... fit... bathing suit...
bringing people together
am i just strange?
Monday, June 23, 2008
this few hours of quiet brought to you by...
lazy teenagers who sleep till noon. those two are the only ones left and we haven't heard a peep out of them yet. hopefully they're still breathing. apart from some moments of frustration, i honestly enjoyed having the family here this weekend. i'm not sure if we'll try having the entire family at one time again as it was just too many people to agree on stuff but i'm hoping that individual family units will feel welcome to come back and visit again. it was particularly nice to spend time with bro-n-law's family since we don't see them often. unfortunately, yesterday turned into a hellacious day. no guest behavior issues - just a truly unfortunate circumstance that couldn't be helped but wreaked havoc in our home. it was 02:00 before i got to bed and i was not able to rest well after all of the commotion. fortunately, i can thank my sissy for cheering me up with her fun sunday ordeal:
puppy found out the hard way that the tasty looking blue liquid in the pen isn't as yummy as it appears. she said the sofa came clean for the most part. you know, considering she's got three kids, two cats, and a puppy anyhow.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
that's really all i care to say about that.
it doesn't feel right
Thursday, June 19, 2008
wii are family!
hey look, easy pic posting!

on the way
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
pardon me miss, but i've never done this with a real, live blog
seven letter start
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
the sound surrounds us
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
exercise is a social activity
update15:07 - two days of lunch gymming in a row. go me! i did another fifty minutes on the treadmill. can't do a full hour because it takes a few minutes to get down and back up the elevator and my lunch hour is strictly an hour now. maybe if i can keep it up i'll be able to cut back to forty-five minutes on the treadmill and use the stairs to get down there and back up. that would be pretty ambitious though. it's been a while since i've done the stairs but those 18 flights killed me every time i did them.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
i'm not dead yet... i feel much better...
update17:05 - i was feeling well enough that i did some lunch-gymming today all by myself. go me. 50 minutes on the treadmill. but my most important accomplishment this afternoon was booking a cruise. yay for having a vacation on the books! we'll be cruising for ten days at the end of september. yes, this will be the "killer hurricane season" they've been predicting every year.